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Make Your Own Bubble (Solution)

I plan for a summer story series and we select themes.

Beauty. Communication. Wellness. Nature.

I attend a young adult social justice workshop and we talk about categories.

White. Black. Indigenous. People of Color.

The human brain craves patterns. We attempt to trap connecting details to make our understanding easier.

What are you? How are you? What do you like? What are you like? Where are you from?

Put the pieces together. Build the walls. Put everything and everyone, including yourself in a box. Bricks. Unless you can't afford them. Sticks. Unless you're out of trees. Straw. . . then you're in danger even from someone's hot air.

What about bubbles instead of boxes? They bend They bulge. They intersect. Unlike boxes, we know they are fragile. Temporal. We may be able to direct them, but if we hold them, control them. . . bubbles burst. Understanding will escape, like air.

Google 'how to make bubbles' and you will find it's an opportunity for adults and children to come together and make something at home with very few ingredients.

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