Just (an) Orange in my Stocking
Sunrises in Wisconsin don’t depend on snow for brilliance. Instead it’s the angle of light responsible for very vibrant bursts. Crisp...
One Night of Hanukkah: Bird Excerpt
Savta Hanna shifted from one foot to the other and pulled the bag in close to her again in an attempt to move away from where the...
What's the Bee Busy About?
“Busy,” my dad quotes a line, from someone, someone old that he knew or maybe someone knowledgeable that he didn’t. “But what are we...
Every Time a Bell Rings
Holiday commercials warm the television screen. I don't mind them. In fact, I generally find them soothing, except for the Salvation...
Book Cover
A story is swirling. Water drips over me in the shower. It reminds me of my grandmother's paint brush dripping with water. Without...
I'm Not, "Not Thankful"
It is November and gray and almost Thanksgiving. The air scrapes at my face in the early morning. I come inside to coffee and recipe...
Magic Beans: Something worth trading for or trading in
Last spring I waited through every headline of a news magazine for a report on a study conducted about girls and to which gender and...
Dia de los Muertos: When Foreign Feels like Home
The final years I worked in Guatemala, each mini bus shuttle ride became increasingly excruciating as I listened to individuals who spent...
A Matter of Grit
Roosters are fiery and often fierce. They bluster with wings and charge forward to make a point, no one should dare knock them over. ...