Water is a Woman's Name
So many of not many
No memory
Of why
Why not
Be something else
Not a better half
But another half
Of that which was broken.
The hem of a skirt
Golden thread undone
Wrapped thick
Then, thicker
Dough rising
I cannot reach the vacant moon
On such an empty stomach
Stars are not fire
They are tears
The only water
The universe still claims.
I wanted
What men wanted
When men wanted
I gave
What men asked for
When men asked from
I chose
But not their choices
I promised
But not their promises
Stone cracks
Muscle rips
And scars must both
Be traced from
The before and the after.
They only believe my cruelty
When it cuts their own skin
Ignored is the knife’s edge
Each prick
Becomes a gash
Into myself
We have already spoken.
Pull the stitches out.
I’m tired.
No more questions.
Untie the knots.
I’m tired.
No more wrong answers.
Start over from the beginning.
I’m tired.
Tensions always break.
Scars always mark.
Battles in our bones.
History on our skin.
But, the water comes.
It comes.
It pours.
It washes.
It births.
It lives even when